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Personal growth at Casvi Football Academy

At Casvi Football Academy they understand that the improvement of players, depending on their position on the pitch, is fundamental for their individual growth. Hence the importance of specific work in their methodology. This video shows an example of a task in which finishing is worked on and in which four chained situations are introduced within the same sequence. It includes outside hits and lateral centre situations.


Method for individual growth at Casvi Football Academy

Casvi Football Academy has developed a comprehensive work method that aims to maximise the individual sporting growth of its players. To achieve this, they train all the variables involved in football and which have to do with technical, tactical and game comprehension skills, as well as physical and psychological abilities.

In order to develop these skills, they have a method structured in different sections which are broken down into weekly training sessions, physical preparation, psychological preparation, nutrition and competition.

  • WEEKLY TRAINING SESSIONS. The training methodology revolves around the competition and is based on an annual methodology where the contents are organised progressively in intervals of 4-6 weeks. The main objective is for the players to experience, for their individual growth, the different phases of the game that occur in a match. On the other hand, the specific training sessions are another very important part of this method. The aim is for the players to improve in all those actions related to the game that are most common in their position on the pitch. To do this, we will regularly have the presence of ex-professional players who will be our specialist coaches.
    1. Weekly microcycle model
    2. Modelo de sesión de entrenamiento


Alumnos de la Escuela Profesional de Fútbol Casvi Football Academy


  • PHYSICAL PREPARATION. The physical component is a determining feature for individual growth in today’s football. For this reason, the objective of Casvi Football Academy is that the players reach their optimum physical level, so that the progression in the work is marked by their evolutionary moment and by the work capacity that each one can assimilate. In order to achieve this, we focus on two fundamental objectives:
    – Improvement of physical capacities such as strength, agility and coordination.
    – And the prevention of injuries, one of the bases of the individual programmes that are developed.


Casvi Football Academy - Personal growth at Casvi Football Academy


  • PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION. Among the main psychological skills that affect high sporting performance and individual growth, we can list attention control, self-confidence, thought control, motivation, overcoming stress and anxiety regulation. For this reason, the Casvi Football Academy is convinced that technical, tactical and physical abilities will be able to reach their maximum development if the person has sufficiently developed and evolved psychological skills.


Inteligencia emocional en el deporte para niños


  • NUTRITION. Sports nutrition in football includes nutrition and hydration both during the training week and before and during the match. At the beginning of each season, at the High Performance Academy, a nutritional study is carried out to establish the personalised guidelines that each player needs according to their needs and their sporting and academic performance. These guidelines will be reviewed according to the evolution of each player.
  • COMPETITION. Competition is the tool that allows us to measure the true value of a football player. That is why it has a very important weight in the planning of Casvi Football Academy. In this way, our players will enjoy a competitive match every week against many of the football academies in the Community of Madrid. In addition to these matches, they will also take part in different local and international tournaments.
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