Injury prevention with “Circuit training renforcement” at Casvi Football Academy
In today’s football, where the physical aspect has become one of the fundamental aspects of a footballer’s development, work aimed at injury prevention has once again become more important. Here we show you an example of a “circuit training renforcement”, as a sample of the type of work aimed at prevention at Casvi Football Academy.
Injury prevention at Casvi Football Academy
For the technical staff of Casvi Football Academy it is very important to work together to prevent injuries. Football is one of the most played sports in the world. But this does not prevent certain conditions or injuries from occurring, which are often unpredictable. What can be done is to reduce the risk of injuries. Being aware of and preventing injuries in football, even through new technologies, increases the player’s time on the pitch, as well as boosting his performance and skill by showing off his abilities.
It should also be noted that the responsibility to be careful does not only lie with the player, but also with the coach who advises him. Nano Rivas, ambassador of this professional football academy in Madrid knows very well that he must take care of the physical and psychological state of his player; provide them with the necessary tools; and have the authority to make decisions that are in favour of the player’s health.
What to do to avoid injuries in football?
Here are some tips that can help reduce the risk:
- Correct activation. Warm up well before the start of the match with specific exercises to work the most involved muscle groups such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves…
- Know the pitch and thus be able to choose the right type of boots.
- Check the playing materials. If we are comfortable while playing, things will go better, we will be less tense and this will reduce the likelihood of injury.
- To be concentrated during the match in order to:
- Be attentive to the indications of teammates and coach.
- Respect the rules so that opponents do not feel provoked and your team does not suffer negative consequences for non-compliance.
- Knowing how to stop in time when you feel discomfort.
- Training correctly and keeping in good physical shape is essential to prevent injuries.
- A good diet can help reduce muscle fatigue and improve recovery.
- Taking breaks after competition and between training sessions can help in recovery and therefore in the prevention of sports injuries. Getting enough sleep is also important.
- Having a multidisciplinary team: physical trainer, physiotherapist, nutritionist, psychologist… This is the case at Casvi Football Academy.
In short, although preventing an injury in football, as such, is impossible (as uncontrollable external factors interfere), it is in our hands to carry out adequate training programmes that reduce the probability of injury.