Benefits of multilingualism
Multilingualism has many benefits. That is why it is one of the pillars of the educational projects of Colegio Privado Internacional Eurocolegio Casvi (in Villaviciosa de Odón) and Casvi International American School (in Tres Cantos). These benefits are also enjoyed by the members of the high performance football school Casvi Football Academy. Speaking several languages in today’s global and interconnected society is of vital importance. Being able to communicate in English, German, Chinese… as their students do, will help them to communicate in any situation, in any country and with any person.
Moreover, it is a fact that international mobility will be a constant in their future. For this reason, in the Casvi Group of Schools, not only the learning of several languages is promoted, but also an international mentality. This is carried out through the International Baccalaureate methodology with its three programmes: PYP (in Infant and Primary Education); MYP (in Secondary Education); and DP (in the Baccalaureate stage).
Main benefits of multilingualism
These are the main benefits of multilingualism, therefore, for all those who are part of the Casvi Football Academy:
- Multilingual students have better memory and attention span.
- It stimulates the brain and cognitive functions.
- It improves problem solving. Thanks to multilingualism they will face them with audacity.
- They develop an open mind, understanding the diversity of cultures as a way of enriching our minds.
- Improve both oral and written expression, standing out as good communicators.
- They favour inclusion in the classroom.
- They have an advantage when choosing and facing their university and professional future. Especially in international projects.
- Languages are a loudspeaker to the world in order to relate to the globalised society of the 21st century.
- Finally, multilingualism fosters students’ global competence.
Multilingualism for pupils with learning difficulties
The educational project of Colegio Privado Internacional Eurocolegio Casvi and Casvi International American School, in relation to multilingualism, also contemplates students with learning difficulties. In this case, the Guidance Department collaborates with the teachers in the necessary adaptations and carries out a follow-up, thus ensuring that the education is inclusive. The same applies if pupils come from other countries. In this case, they receive linguistic support to enable them to catch up more quickly with the school’s language of instruction. In addition, Casvi Villaviciosa offers specific Spanish classes for foreigners for those who stay at the school on a cultural exchange.intercambio cultural.