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Learning by doing in Casvi Football Academy

“Learning by doing” in Casvi Football Academy

The so-called ‘Learning by doing’ demonstrates that when you generate the habit of practical knowledge from an early age, learning is achieved in a more natural way.

It is a learning method used at Casvi Group that is based on research and experimentation. Its purpose, in the first place, is to encourage participation, activity and companionship. Also, to share ideas with the rest of the classmates. Discovery through trial and error and decision making are other basic pillars.

The best of all is that the world of sport has followed the same path and, of course, so has Casvi Football Academy with its work methodology in the search to develop the talent of the students of this High Performance Football School in Spain.

“Teaching to think about what is learned, thus learning to learn throughout life” is the play on words with which Coro Molinos, professor at the University of Navarra, sums up one of the goals of this pedagogy.

“What we have to learn, we learn by doing” (Aristotle).


Learning by doing in Casvi Football Academy

Who created the learning by doing concept?

‘Learning by doing’ is a technique that is used in a wide variety of fields in order to teach people different skills. The world of soccer and sports in general has not been left out in this regard. In other words, ‘Learning by doing’ is an effective way of teaching because it allows for greater immersion and practice.

Specifically, the idea of learning by doing was invented by psychologist Edward Thorndike in the late 19th century. In this regard, he wanted to know if he could teach new tricks to animals without using any human instruction.

In the early 1900s, William James applied this technique to humans and created “learning by doing” as a method for teaching skills to adults and children. He did this through his work with professors at Harvard University in Massachusetts.

This teaching method evolved over the years. And finally, the time came when John Dewey and William Hurd Kilpatrick developed the idea of learning by doing. How? By arguing that people learn best when they can handle enough pressure and motivation through practice.


Learning by doing in Casvi Football Academy


Advantages of the ‘Learning by doing’ methodology

  • Learn from mistakes until the correct answer is found.
  • Better understand the concept by applying it or developing critical thinking.
  • The fact of applying the training contents to practical activities makes it necessary to research, reflect and apply the theory in a real situation. This will imply a greater concentration on what is being done and, therefore, a more significant and consolidated learning.
  • Through ‘Learning by doing’, the probability of forgetting what has been learned over time is reduced, since we will remember much more clearly what we have done than what we have only seen or heard.
  • In short, the ‘Learning by doing’ methodology increases curiosity, interest, involvement and motivation, which will lead to the development of skills and abilities, obtaining better results and achieving the objectives.
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